Say Bodies of Light to Raise Your Vibration and Attract Opportunities!

I'm renaming today Terrific Testimonial Tuesday. I am so grateful!

"I found my rightful power and peace thanks to Cynthia's clear precision guidance. I had an issue that was causing me so much distress I literally felt a breakdown of my spirit and physical being.  My heart just could not take it any longer.
Cynthia's loving guidance brought me to a place where I could feel my peace of mind replenished, my breathing restored, and my power pulsating.   Cynthia is able to zero in on the exact cause enabling a release and unwinding of the tentacles.  Tentacles that can feel like a squeezing of your life force...UNTIL NOW! 
Thank you Cynthia -- God Bless you!!!“

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"Every Good Shaman Has The Giggle." 

When I got off the phone with Cynthia this morning, I had to wipe the tears from my eyes, of laughter! 

What an incredible amount of inspiration in a short amount of time! She reminded me of the old adage that the wisest shaman have "the giggle." Laughter and Gratitude, all the best medicines in one call. Thank you Cynthia! ❤️


Cynthia Segal provides right-on advice. I was amazed by her profound business guidance that opened new opportunities. What a treasure! Whether I ask about business, personal life or family (wish I had a pet to ask about), Cynthia's Intuitive Guidance is delivered with accuracy, integrity, compassion & love.  Her joy and laughter are de-LIGHT-FULL! Cynthia is a must have for your team!

Jami Lin


" ... County offered me a salary that is 22% more than what I receive on my current job--just as you said!!!! I start the new
job April 24th!!!!"

“We don’t have equipment yet to measure the energy coming out of her hands…” 
Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 Astronaut, Founder, the Institute of Noetic Sciences


This was way better than I anticipated!
Marc, Miami, Florida

Cynthia, I just have to tell you that was the most enjoyable reading I've ever had and different in every way and most helpful and wonderful! Thank you.
Susan L, Australia

Thank you very much for your guidance, Cynthia ... My heart is singing again!
Warm wishes, 
Agnes, Tunisia

I already feel so much lighter about expressing my voice with singing - and my whole vocational expression in this life. You have a great gift getting to the core of people, Cynthia.
Thank you for helping me see myself better.
With warm wishes,
Agnes, Germany

My seven year old son was very sick for nearly 2 weeks and I was spending almost every day at the Doctor's office. They couldn't figure out what "it" was and I became frightened when they ordered a series of tests including one for a white cell count.
I contacted Cynthia in distress and she immediately began to calm me down. Next she remotely checked my son's organs and systems and told me exactly what to tell my son's Doctor the next day. She also told me to give my son ice cream which was on the doctor's "no-no" food list. The ice-cream, she said, was to "eat" all the bacteria in his stomach. I gave my son ice cream that same evening and he immediately started to feel better.
The next day, I went to his appointment determined to get the medication Cynthia highly recommended. After a few umms and ahhhs, the Doctor prescribed the medication Cynthia told me my son needed.
Within 24 hours my son was feeling 80% better and was able to attend school within a couple of days. Now, whenever my son or I are ill, I contact my "Angel in my Pocket", Cynthia Segal for healing and divine guidance. 
Joy, USA

Hi Cynthia
That helps a LOT - thank you :) I was feeling pretty distraught but with your insight and patient explanation I'm ready to jump back into life! Yay!
Thanks xx
Rachelle, England

Loving Cynthia
Your message moved me to tears. Thank you so much for your prompt and full answer. All i wanted to hear is that my dog is happy where she is now. It has been so difficult for me not being able to care for her anymore and to let her go. I feel only now i can begin to let go.
You radiate light and love and it touches me to see you. Souls like you are rare and precious in this world.
Much love,
Randy, Caribbean

Cynthia, I have been listening with my wife to some of the recordings of your conversations and it is very amazing. Actually it's pretty indescribable but they are inspiring her so much and I just want you to know how much help is coming through you. She is really sprouting a pair of beautiful wings and starting to take off. In the almost 25 years we've been together I've never seen her so present and I know this is just the beginning.
Thank you for sharing your gift and being such a wonderful channel of love and joy. 
With much love and laughter,
Jeff in New Jersey

Cynthia is an amazing woman with a dynamic gift!  I felt called to connect with her and I now know why. SHE IS THE REAL DEAL and she’ll help you create your best life, if you’re ready.  I’ve only been working with Cynthia for a short time and my life has already changed in the most beautiful ways.  Cynthia is so loving and her laughter is so contagious, she inspires me to shine my light, no matter what anyone else is doing.  In a world with so much darkness, it is truly a gift and a treat to be connected to someone as bright as Cynthia.  She is light and she is truth.  Cynthia can tune in to my energy and tell me things I need to hear, with absolutely no information on the subject from me.  She has given me information and insight that has significantly enhanced my already very loving relationship with my husband.  Thank you Cynthia for taking a leap of faith, and leaving your “safe” career as a Computer Systems Designer, despite what anyone else said.  You unselfishly allow yourself to be used as a channel to change lives, and the world needs more loving, happy, secure, gifted people like you…. 
I love you immensely and I am so very grateful and happy that you are in my life!
 Lots of love and hugs,
Jeneice, USA

I called Cynthia for a reading four days before our conference went live, thousands of attendees were expected. Using her skills, she "walked" through our event, and "saw" where the problems would occur. We cleared up issues four days in advance of them happening; which avoided costly problems. I have her as my key Advisor helping facilitate my company's national expansion. I highly recommend Cynthia to accelerate any business. 
Shannon Burnett, CEO Conscious Living Partnership, Producer EXPO of Heart 

"Cynthia's advice has been consistently wise, insightful, and often out of the box. Her intuitive guidance has been right on, and has been far better than my own years of business experience. She has set my mind at ease, empowered me to have the clarity to make great decisions, and her advice translates directly into success and prosperity! She has been an indispensable resource for me, and is the best investment any entrepreneur, business person, or anyone searching for answers, can make!"
Ernest Chu, CEO Soul Currency Institute

"Cynthia is able to effortlessly tap into a dimension with answers that is seldom found in the field of extrasensory perception. I highly recommend her for identifying opportunities "
Kelly Jones, CEO Kelly Jones Feng Shui

"Cynthia's perceptiveness absolutely freaked me out! She went directly to my heart and right leg. I didn't tell her that a few months ago I had heart bypass surgery and they used a vein from my right leg."
Dr. Lederman, Florida 

Divine Guidance is such a plus in creating a business plan. Thank you Cynthia.
E.M.Craig CEO, JaiDye 

Well - I just made the paste for Mali and Saki (my dogs) with Chicken, Celery and Spinach as you told me to do in the reading! I have to say, I said a little prayer hoping they'd like it. I put it down. They smelled it and looked at me. Then wolfed it down and wanted more! Yeah - a winner! You're good girl! Thank you so much!
Kelly Jones CEO Kelly Jones Feng Shui

Cynthia! I have been asked to be partner in a bed and breakfast in the mountains of Guatemala. Just like you said!!
Margaret Rose 

"Cynthia is such a positive soul; she is able to help the body infuse with that energy. 
Her masterful connection with your body and higher powers facilitates profound healing."
Ghary Bowlin Fine Art, Miami 

Instantly, Cynthia turned the key that opened the lock on a medical mystery that had plagued me for months. It was one of those insidious things that started out slowly, and defied diagnosis, and she  saw  it before I even described it to her. She also helpfully reminded me of some things about myself that;I had unproductively allowed myself to hide. Thank you Cynthia for helping me find my way back to a more vibrant me, and reconnecting me back to Source.
Bernice C., Florida

Well I can hardly believe my soul!! What a journey I just experienced! I asked Cynthia if she took a training course to be a medical intuitive and if so where? I asked for her assistance because I have been drawn to this word “medical intuitive” for awhile now! Cynthia took me on a journey into myself and with sweet guidance I was able to “see” inside the body of my granddaughter. My granddaughter was at school and I was at home and Cynthia walked me through a way of seeing. She opened me up to this in a flash!I have known and experienced her gifts as intuitive and healer and now as teacher.
Lorraine Smith, Cape Coral, Fl.

"I m no longer wearing my knee brace and the pain is gone" 
Carl, Ft. Lauderdale

"I have had several sessions with Cynthia and benefited from every one. Cynthia has a remarkable level of "perception". By taking advantage of her talents, I have made more productive life choices and saved considerable amounts of time and money. Cynthia also helped improve my health by "seeing" the actual causes of imbalances and the most effective way of treating them. I highly recommend anyone who wants to improve his or her situation in life to have at least one session with her. See for yourself!"
Mark O., Bal Harbour, Fl

Firstly, I would emphasize the fact that before our session I had met Cynthia only a couple of times (at large events, conferences, etc.) and did not have an opportunity to speak about personal things, so everything that happened in my session was a total miracle for me. I came to Ft. Lauderdale for a conference and did not feel well, I had a cold and fever. Cynthia offered to “look at my cold”, we were talking on the phone and after a few minutes of relaxation, Cynthia gave me a most profound explanation of the reasons behind my illness. She was 150% right, she saw the exact problems I was experiencing at the time. As soon as I understood the reason; my cold ceased very quickly! I never could imagine that it s possible to complete such a task in such a short period of time, it was very-very amazing.
Lena A Blanchard, Finance Director, CLP

"After my session with Cynthia, I felt fantastic - I have more energy, focused mental acuity and feel less stressed. I recommend her only to people who want more success in their lives!"
Dr. B. Grossman, L.A.

"I didn't notice anything until later on in the afternoon. Yes, a definite increase in clarity mentally and my lungs feel like they are opening up, there is something going on, it's working. I thank you again."
Robert Chai, Florida

"An unusual process which immediately gets to a person's physical or mental problems and provides a simple method of cure. Cynthia is a special person with unique sensitivity and great joy and love."
Peter G., Florida

She accurately described what was on the X-Rays without even seeing them. I decided to allow her to treat me. The next day I was able, for the first time since the accident, to walk comfortably as if I had a cushion in the joint. After two weeks of her treatment I was healed sufficiently to play a hard set of tennis. It was a miracle. I have no idea of how it works, but the bottom line is that it works and I recommend her to my audience.
Rabbi Dr. Stanley Hobish, Author "Without a Doubt", Radio Host "The Wizard of Is"

Thank you for your long distance healing of Corky. We are elated that he is home from the animal hospital, eating solid food, walking on his (previously painful) paw and once again being a happy puppy. 
C. Harrison, Tampa

"I experienced a light feeling, strong-tender pressure from the area on which Cynthia's hand was above my body. Peaceful after the session as if release of pressure from my life lived. A quiet feeling of peace, I am grateful for the experience."
Joanne P., N. Miami Beach

For the past twelve years I have suffered from extreme panic and anxiety which have kept me from driving more than three miles from my home. I had one session with Cynthia which transcended all my years of counseling and medication.
I now go for weekly drives, every Sunday and am revisiting the world I left behind.
God bless you Cynthia, I just turned 80 and I am free again! God bless you.
Madge H., Florida

"The best hour I have ever spent on myself. The feeling of balance (from within) is great!"
Diane Algonac, Michigan

Thanks again! I feel more confident.
M Silver, Palm Beach

"I got more than I bargained for! Cynthia is right on the money."
R.C., Hollywood

When I first met Cynthia, I was so negative, that I found her positiveness down right annoying.
Now I can't get enough of it! I feel like I need an eternity of Cynthia's positive energy.
Gayle S., Florida

"Each of my sessions with Cynthia has been different. We have covered my health, relationships, dreams, spirit and psyche. She seems to just "know" what the priority is at that moment.
I am always left feeling transformed, refreshed, wiser and calmer..."
I.R.B, Miami

Very relaxing ... right on the mark ... enlightening revelations
Forrest E. M., Dallas

"Cynthia is an angelic guide to the other side of your problems. She has great insight to what ails you, not what you think your problem is, but what your core issue really is. She is a gifted intuitive and a gentle, loving, joyful guide."


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